AbsolutelyStocks is designed to help you navigate all the financial jargon that can appear intimidating at first blush. If nothing else, our Fundamental and Valuation scores give you a quick take on the company's underlying strength and attractiveness. Our tools are intuitive and very easy to use. The financial statements and ratios have all been standardized for easy comparisons.

*Fees are payable upfront and are not refundable after the 14 days cooling-off period.



There is no other hidden fee. You will get full and complete access to all of the above-mentioned content with our standard package. The minimum subscription period is 1 year.


*Fees are payable upfront and are not refundable after the 14 days cooling-off period.


AbsolutelyStocks is brought to you by Asia Analytica Data Sdn Bhd in collaboration with Asia Analytica. It is our aim to provide easy to use financial information, analytics and tools to help you make better investing decisions. Our coverage extends to all companies listed on Bursa Malaysia and Singapore Exchange.

*Fees are payable upfront and are not refundable after the 14 days cooling-off period.